Project Highlights

Teak Custom Vanity

A teak custom vanity and recessed wall cabinet were fitted into an alcove created by stealing space from two closets. The lighting - top, back-lit and under were all an important part of the atmosphere the homeowners were hoping to achieve.

Support Column

A support column and the nature niche (a hallmark of many mid century buildings) had both been clad in brick. (see "before" pictures). The brick was removed and they were both dressed with mahogany veneered plywood to tie in with the original

Wood Be Art

Wood Be Art also did a beautiful job of tying in the unfitted furniture pieces by mixing in a few cabinets in clear fir which will mellow over time and sit comfortably with all the other wood elements. Photo Credit: Kyla


Moving every utility, the entrance AND the window transforms a formerly cramped and unwelcoming space into an oasis of calm for this busy household of dedicated


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